Lance Wallnau

Rule In The Midst Of Your Enemies

Do you ever say to yourself,  “I’ve been here before”? Like you are running around in circles? The truth is, you’re not going in circles—you’re going in cycles. There’s a big difference.

You see, you’re climbing the hill of the Lord. As you hit a point of transition or promotion in the Kingdom, the cycles that make up your growth continually get shorter. For instance look at the life of Joseph. He was betrayed by his brothers and left in a pit. He was falsely accused of rape, put in prison, and then forgotten about for two years. Each cycle of betrayal and setback only increased his proximity to his ultimate assignment, which was to rule in the midst of his enemies.
Psalm 105 says that the Lord sent and released Joseph from his prison. Almost overnight, Joseph began to teach the king’s princes and elders wisdom— but his rise began the night from he was first rejected by his brothers. After he was set free, he made that final cycle into his high calling.  In my new teaching the Mount Zion Mantle I go over how you can shift your perspective on where you are in your cycle and how the call of God will take you up the mountain of God.
God is constantly moving you,  by victory and even setback, into the place where we will be in proximity to the gates of influence in order to transform the culture. That’s what this  new series is all about.
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