Lance Wallnau


11329878_10153433927504936_5983530260704236684_nMAY TODAY BE A HOLY SPIRIT AWAKENING AMONG MEN.
Happy Father's Day to the men in our lives: those who have raised us, challenged us, loved us, or marshaled us into our purpose. Whether you are related or non-related and whether you've helped in big or small ways – we are grateful for you.
Most of all today we honor the Father. Out of all the names and titles we could use for our Creator, “Father, Abba, Papa and Daddy” are some of the most endearing. It is this characteristic He longs to fill in our lives. How fitting that we celebrate Him today.
May today be the beginning of a new season for men in our culture. May you rise to the level of greatness to which God has called you. Men, may you encounter fresh visitations from Holy Spirit as you continue to unpack the truth that you were made and created in the Image of God.
You are needed, you are loved, and you are a gift to us.
As One –
Lance and Team