Lance Wallnau


I flew home from California 48 hours ago in a dangerous state of mind. Not dangerous as in bad, just thinking thoughts that resemble lit matches near a pile of dry wood.
It’s the second day home. Today I awoke to a different presence in my home in Dallas. May be an angel. There’s a certain fear of the Lord in the atmosphere.
I believe the Lord led me to an old manuscript from Kenneth Hagin. As I read it I thought of you and decided to post it 4 hours ago.
Then my office posted a word I wanted you to see:
Is this for you?
Prophetic Word from Chuck Pierce:
“For the balances are shifting, and I, your Victor, will appear upon your behalf. I AM changing the order of things, and I AM righting wrongs. So watch this week as the balance begins to shift in your favor. Angelic hosts are coming in double strength. What you have been doing and pressing for, double strength is coming. You have endured the war, the test, and the heat that has refined, therefore, double will now come in your day of defining.”
I believe this is a “DAY OF DEFINING” as Chuck says. Maybe America is reaching a defining moment. I wan't to define an idea that just won't leave me alone.
My concern is that in the midst of all the revival activity and spiritual drum beating there is no news impact being made by the church as a revival and reformation force in shaping current events – in America especially. WE ARE MISSING SOMETHING!
George Soro's has funded over 32 million dollars into activists organizations like the ones showing up in Ferguson. These groups are paid to protest, did you know that?
“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal” Paul said, but prophetic acts come in different packages and can be part of a spiritual warfare paradigm. I think it's some sort of prophetic grass roots activism that's missing in the Christian community. Imagine a Holy Spirit SWAT team (Spiritual Warfare Activation Team) that was funded to go to these Soros funded uprisings. A team of Black and White and Hispanic and Asian and Middle eastern Christians going to organize prayer and protest the protest with media coverage to expose the real pain and problems in these communities and pointing people to God for an answer.
This is so, so, so not on the radar of the Christian community where our speech is contorted into 50 shades of graciousness. Political correctness has cut off the Prophets head. There is a church and ministry wide fear of controversy, loss of market share, bad publicity and being misunderstood. Worse yet, many are convinced they can change the world by ignoring it and escaping into the ether of spirituality.
Are we preaching a revival for pacifists while Lexington and Concord bleed? It seems like history is happening around us and all we can do is hunt down prophets who talk about Blood Moons and American demise. Some people shape history while others hide. Either that or its all talk about revival within a radio bandwidth that avoids the cultural front lines, a front line that is fighting to arrest the narrative that has seized America through activists and media outlets following the well funded Soros plan for your future. It's nutty. We need a “counter narrative” and prophetic activists. That's what I am working on now. A 7m Underground. Let me know if you want to join this un-network. Just say “hi” and write to At some point soon we will contact people.
But lest I stray far afield, I'm keeping my thinking rooted and grounded in the Word while praying. My wife had a dream that a fire engine drove into our house and we had to move a wall unit to make room but it was so big it knocked over the unit. It's a wall unit we bought for our first home nearly 25 years ago. I have no idea what this means but I want fire to fall in my house and yours. It may be that it rocks and expands our houses when it shows up. It may redefine my ministry. Let's enlarge our sphere. Lets make couples and families and singles strong as home bases of a larger revival movement through 7m aligned churches and leaders in every city.
What do you say?