Lance Wallnau

The best journeys answer questions you didn't even think to ask, because the great moments of life – ask questions of YOU!

10981736_10153144024574936_8669327668025142217_nThe best journeys answer questions you didn't even think to ask, because the great moments of life – ask questions of YOU!
Who you are now is more important than who you were.
At any moment an abject failure can turn their life around by simply picking themselves up, dusting themselves off and venturing off in the right direction. Leadership is not about where you are coming from but rather – what you are moving toward.
Many followers of Christ complain about feeling stuck. They wait for breakthroughs that seem to never come. To those vexed and tempted in circumstances they simply cannot change (bad marriage, financial bind, fixed income situation, illness) I encourage you to look to Jesus and recall these words …”Since He Himself was tempted in that which He suffered, He is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted.” (Heb 2:18) Let this chapter become your journey inward when life asks you the momentous question about who you are and in whom you believe.
For others, the best question life asks can be found in the mouths of four leprous men locked in the city of Jerusalem during a siege: “And they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die?” They boldly decided to go to the enemy's camp and see what they would do with them. They were shocked to find that God had driven them out by a rumor. They left all their provisions behind. The leprous men had discovered a feast waiting for them. (2 Kings 7:3)
1. If what you are trying isn't working – TRY ANYTHING ELSE. These four did, and they lived.
2. Don't wait for God to overly confirm a specific direction for you. Simply go forth and do something. Note this: The disciples “WENT OUT AND PREACHED everywhere, while the Lord WORKED WITH THEM and confirmed the word with signs that followed.” (Mark 16:19)
I LOVE THAT. The Lord promises to come alongside our activity and work with us! For me, I always find that any faith adventure or journey has an element of risk. I can't control all the details, and that leaves the door open for God to “work with” me and produce results above what I was even thinking!
Get into a fresh adventure. Pick up the phone and make the call you dread, go over to the office and visit, type up the proposal and send it. JUST TAKE ACTION BY FAITH AND WATCH WHAT SHOWS UP!
It's going to be a great week! Report back how you saw your life even in one small way change this week!
Follow me on twitter: @LanceWallnau

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