Lance Wallnau


11947594_10153599853319936_6665312899044980647_nTHANK GOD FOR THIS SHAKING!
America is finally realizing it is VULNERABLE to China and Washington FISCAL MISMANAGEMENT! The crude oil market is shaking especially in Texas. Its a “crude” awakening!
On the lips of everyone is concern for the future. THIS IS OUR TIME. A new model is about to emerge as believers step into the fault lines of shaking and bring STABILITY and INNOVATION to America and the world. Economies built on men will shake – but the kingdom we are receiving is UNSHAKABLE.

How INFINITELY GOOFY at this very moment for believers to be getting ready for rapture or persecution. That whole mentality is the byproduct of the church hiding out in buildings rather than seeing themselves as the ones who “DISCIPLE NATIONS.”
GOVERNMENT HAS REACHED BEYOND GODS APPOINTED BOUNDARIES! It has displaced the role of families, free enterprise, and non profits and volunteerism. Government has tried to be God and is NOT up to the task.
DON'T EXPECT THE RULING CLASS OF REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS TO LIKE THIS. They don't want to hear “The government shall be upon His shoulder.”
“…unto us A SON is given (JESUS): and the government shall be upon HIS shoulder: and HIS NAME shall be called (Jesus the) Wonderful, (Jesus the ultimate) Counsellor, (Jesus is) The mighty God, (Jesus is the embodiment of) The everlasting Father, (Jesus is) The Prince of Peace.
Jesus has a body on the earth. The body of Christ has got to see itself as the administrator of heaven on earth. Where we go the government of heaven goes. When we show up the counsel of heaven shows up and peace overrules hell.
What if businesses today accomplished in our society what we expect our government to do?
THE KINGDOM IS EMERGING in a whole new expression.
This is the Emergent question. Join the Emergent Movement that provides the answers. Two generations running together – you and your sons and daughters. One mission – manifesting the kingdom. God is building businesses that will effect change… for profit, for purpose, for ever – EVEN IN THE MIDST OF SHAKING!
Come to the Emergent Summit this December and join the discussion on City Transformation through Kingdom Business and hear the stories behind the songs from some of the most notable worship leaders of our time!
WORSHIP AND BUSINESS GO TOGETHER in the Tabernacle of David. Your business is the outpost of heaven on earth.
Explore what is emerging…
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Jeremy Riddle
William Matthews Music
Steffany Frizzell-Gretzinger
Jonathan David and Melissa Helser
Cory Asbury
Ray Hughes
Kendra Todd
Danny Oertli
Sean Feucht