Lance Wallnau


11752173_10153508219244936_2570135620877459051_nHERE IS YOUR SANITY PILL
– Take orally three times a day. Just SPEAK this out and THINK about what each confession means in your life! No Kidding.
This is the ancient technology of Israel in action…meditation and the muttering of truths to ones self. This is what David did “to make” his way “prosperous.” and to guarantee “good success.”
1st. God is NOT NEUTRAL in seeking you or wanting to bless you – DAILY. Don't you be lazy, distracted or NEUTRAL IN RECEIVING- daily. Move TOWARD Him with your mouth and your mind- every day! That's right, David said: “Let the WORDS of my mouth and the MEDITATION of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord.” (Psalm 19:14)
Therefore you can say: “Thank you Lord for helping me grow spiritually EVERY DAY.” Every day God has something to tell you. There is “daily bread” and a daily anointing for your head.
2nd. “…YOU are RENEWING my mind.” That's right. Every day your mind is getting sharper and clearer and more like Christ. Your “mind” is also called “the spirit of your mind.” This is HUGE for those who get older. Your mind never ages. Your brain ages. Operate out of a renewed mind and you bypass the fatiguing body parts of old age. Begin to believe your mind is being renewed every day. It is a promise for a sound mind in an age of stress.
3rd. You lack nothing. Everything you will ever need is within you now. Therefore you can boldly say “I am COMPLETE IN YOU!” Amazing. “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Because YOU are in Christ – and He is in you and has promised He will not leave you.
No kidding. Say things like this three times a day and your mind, your spirit and your body will thank you.
There are a couple of other really powerful meditations and confessions I will share along the way. This is the ultimate technology.
What do you think? Try repeating this just once and see what happens!


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