Lance Wallnau

Current News: Impeachment, Brexit, And So Much More!

Have you been tracking what's happening in the capital as the impeachment proceedings have gone full-tilt crazy? Did you know that Nadler, Pelosi, and Schiff are all from sanctuary cities? It's been a nonstop assault on sixty million Americans who voted for Trump, to undo what they voted for, and make sure it never happens again! All from Philistine strongholds for rebellion in America against the government.
Nadler presided over a historic vote today on impeachment based on what? The Horowitz report came out this week and there were 17 specific violations, I'm talking crazy stuff like they altered emails, they altered documents then they misrepresented them to the judges who issue these warrants to spy. The intelligence community did this!
I'm going to tell you what's happening in Europe, in Poland, Scandinavia and in the UK with the Brexit vote. So many things are developing!

24 thoughts on “Current News: Impeachment, Brexit, And So Much More!”

  1. We win as we pray for our leaders..Thank you my brother for all you do for His Kingdom. We have been part Of Christian international for 30 years. We are positioned over Sacramento to pray for California. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Pastor Mike.

    1. Thank you Lance..that was very enlightening, and you articulated everything so well…thank you for sharing your insight, and prayers…may the Lord bless you with more wisdom, knowledge, insight, and understanding, and may you become a powerful influence for us, and the other sheep countries!!! Amen!!

  2. Great message, as always!! God bless you for your willingness to fight the good fight! God has placed a fire in my spirit for President Trump and has humbly led me into a brand new position as an author. My first book is called “Secret Places” and was just released by Covenant Books—the story of the 2016 election and aftermath in fictional form. Emphasis: this is not a political battle but very much a spiritual one. The story must be told, as you so aptly do, time and time again. Your messages do not fall upon deaf ears. May God’s church step up to the task at hand. God bless you!

  3. Hi Lance!
    THANK YOU for being a practical voice of Truth and clarity of what is transpiring in America, for calling and challenging Christians to wake up and take their place in this spiritual war! As we watch prophecy unfold before our eyes, we a are to provoke one another to good works… Prayer, fasting, being bold in our faith, undaunted in our purpose, and fearless in the face of opposition…to name a few.
    Holy Spirit spoke to me in the last couple of days about 2020…being a year of spiritual clarity and greater depth of spiritual vision—to spiritually see on a different level.
    May God continuously increase in your life in every way!
    Lisa Long

  4. Thank you Lance, President Trump is still president and will remain.
    “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven
    suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” Matthew 11:12

  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your courage to speak the truth about what’s going on inside and outside the church. THANK YOU, THANK, THANK YOU a bazillion times over !!!

  6. Gutsy message…thank you…Acts 4:31…agreed
    Eliezer son of Dodo…May the sword cleave to your hand!!
    Fight on mighty man of valor…be strengthened….I am encouraged today.
    Pastor Eric Peters

  7. This is wonderful Bro. Lance; as usual you see it…..good! I also believe it is the “remnant”that is going to keep praying, voting, doing; whatever the Lord sees fit for His agenda. Thank God for His mercy and grace right now or we would surely be done for but I listen to God and His prophets who always offer hope and I see a GREAT AWAKENING and REFORMATION on God’s heart and will pray into that and His Kingdom come and His will be done…..on this earth right now as it is already written in Heaven!

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