Lance Wallnau

AMAZING HISTORY (Secular Scholars Don’t Like)

In an overlooked chapter of history General Douglas MacArthur, upon taking oversight of Japan at the close of WWII pleaded with denominational leaders, “Send me Bibles and give me Missionaries and I will give you a Christian Nation.” Japans ancestral deities and emperor god were no longer omnipotent in their eyes. The General knew they would become a Christian Nation – a Sheep Nation – if they met Jesus. The God of radical goodness, healing and provision.
Some answered the call but overall the American response was weak and we lost a window to a nation. America won the ideological battle against Nazi Germany, Emperor worship in Japan and even later with the collapse of the Berlin wall we won against Stalin’s Soviet style communism. Our failure was that we won the battle of Global influence but lost the war of ultimate ideas! Much like toppling Saddam Hussein in Iraq – we knew how to win wars but not how to occupy what we landed in once we got there.
What did we export to the world? We exported our idea of democracy, economics and consumerism. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs would belt the world with computers and smart phones. The music industry evangelized with Rock-n-Roll sex and drugs and Hollywood belted the world with…well, Hollywood. Ironically, after Iraq, Jerry Springer became the number one exported television show into the Arab world educating god fearing Moslems on the decadence and decay of Americas godless Christian culture.
Curiously, even if Japan did not get what MacArthur wanted, South Korea has become the number #1 mission sending nation in the world.
You won't find MacArthurs request in most history books.
What do you think?

31 thoughts on “AMAZING HISTORY (Secular Scholars Don’t Like)”

  1. I just came back from All Nation Convocation Jerusalem 2014 hosted by Tom Hess. Wow, revival is breaking out in Japan. We have a group of young Japanese from baby to adult on fire for God and was challenged to bring 500 Japanese next year for the Convocation. Next year theme , Arise and shine, for your light has come. Jesus had pull the trigger and fire the revival movement from Japan to the chopstick Nations . Preparing the way for the King of Glory to come. You should be there next year to wirness and participate.

  2. What do I think? I think it is time for all of us to walk our talk.
    At the outset of what ultimately became THINK ANG GROW RICH, Andrew Carnegie offered to Napolean Hill access to the wealthiest men in the world at the time to see what made them tick and to document it.
    The chance of a lifetime.
    The catch, Hill had to make the decision to jump on board within the window of opportunity afforded by Carnegie, roughly 30 seconds.
    A YES or a NO….NOW was the offer.
    Will we miss our opportunities or will we walk into the moments offered to us?

  3. Thanks Lance,
    I understand that many of those post war missionaries to Japan came back discouraged and feeling ineffective. They probably did not have the church and prayer support required for the task.

  4. I have long said that it is either Bibles or bullets. If we can get into a country and influence them for the Kingdom — even if we do not win that many souls – – we make a positive influence (desciple the nation), and then receive fewer terrorists from that country.
    Probably isn’t politically correct but it really does come down to just Bibles or bullets.

  5. And G-d says, …if my people will humble themselves and pray…..then I will….G-d we will lay down ourself, our deep good thoughts once considered and will enter your agenda and pray. I pray that where war opens the door I ask that your people will pray and supply Bibles and open mouths of your gospel of peace. Amen

  6. I appreciate the recent blogs on history. I always did like learning about history. How sad though what is taught today in the history books is not the same as we learned years ago and sadder yet is that they have chosen to snuff out the Christian foundations many of those leaders had and stood by in their role of leadership. My question to you, what is all this information showing you? Lincoln?

  7. I am Japanese . Now I see many Apostolic, Prophetic people rise up in Japan. In the near future , many apostles and prophets will be sent from Japan. We will see it.

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