Lance Wallnau

THE NUMBER #1 REASON people do not succeed.

10629872_10153039016279936_2408602750833971622_nTHE NUMBER #1 REASON people do not succeed.
Strange as it seems, most people do pretty good at knowing what they want. They may even have a good plan to get it. The problem occurs in the moment they need to take that one critical step that puts them over the top. What happens? Consistently, the focus and energy SHIFTS from moving TOWARD the vision and instead the energy refocuses on AVOIDING what they FEAR.
Not surprisingly the thing feared most is failure! Soooo some sort of procrastination or other self sabotaging antic shows up to make sure failure or embarrassment never occurs. Ironically, this pattern guarantees that SUCCESS in the manifestation of the vision never occurs either.
This cycle breaks the moment you discover that 90% of humanity will put more effort into avoiding what they fear than they will in perusing what they really want.
Singles stay single trying to avoid rejection. Employees stay under compensated avoiding the rejection of a raise or negative feedback on their performance. And even Pastors drive away the very people who can build their church out of fear of competition and comparison.
The remedy? SEE THE PATTERN and push past the fear. Everything you want is on the other side of a courageous choice!
What do you think?

71 thoughts on “THE NUMBER #1 REASON people do not succeed.”

  1. Agree with you, Lance. Thanks for posting. We do all things through Jesus who strengthens us. When we do that, fear flees.

  2. Behind every fear is a lie. Deal with the lie and the fear will fly. The truth will become your weapon to make others free. What Satan intended for evil, God will turn to good.

  3. Once again – bro – you hit the nail on the head. I tell people all the time that the fear of something is worse than the thing itself.
    Fear keeps you from ever finding out if you could have won, done, accomplished or made a difference.
    I see it in my own life as well – from time to time. So keep pressing forward and if you have to – drag us along with!
    God bless you Lance.
    Julie B.

  4. What do I think? I think answers from a minister should generally be in Scriptural terminology so that the people listening can compare the minister’s words to the Word of God and find either verification or rebuttal.
    I don’t appreciate “re-wording” truth so that no one can locate it in the Bible. It might help someone make a name for himself, but Jesus said that if He is lifted up, He will draw all men to Himself.
    His Word also tells us that He lifts up one and puts down another. It seems to me that people should focus more on honoring and obeying God and put their trust in Him to instruct and promote them. The fear leaves when we hear the Lord say, “Do this…”

  5. I love this, Lance. We can confirm that much of what we’re most excited about in the Pacific Northwest House of Prayer movement truly lines up with your revelation. We are right at the cliff, ready to step off, knowing we can’t let fear be a decisive factor in what we do next. You’re word is so encouraging. I’m going to share it with my fellow leaders. Thanks!

  6. We Win! Either we get in the race and trust God or we sit on the sidelines and allow our gift to be used for something and for someone other than what God intended. In the past I too have felt fearful of failure, but what I continually absorb is “the victory is mine,” Success can never be attained by sitting of the side, we must get in the trenches and go for it. If we remember to first seek the kingdom of God and all His righteousness and if we remember to trust and not lean on our own understanding then we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us as we commit our works to the Lord, we will be confident in our daily labor. The outcome is not a measurement of who we are so if we are unsuccessful in our efforts, it’s simply a matter of recalculation and obtaining wise counsel as we are commanded to do. Remember, we are not meant to be islands trying to figure everything out on our own so take advantage of the numerous resources we have access to. i’m so thankful to you Lance for answering the call and providing this valuable resource. To God be the glory.

  7. Pingback: Live Fearless! | Bruce R. Cross

  8. As a black belt in Innovation Engineering(TM) it is my job to coach people to dissolve fears by doing the math. Most times the fears are overstated and can be blown away. Other times they are real death threats and need to be managed or avoided by making a new plan. Either way we fail fast and fail cheap rather than be paralyzed and put aside our vision to innovate. Doug Hall has stated it this way:
    Meaningfully Unique innovations are driven forward by Increasing stimulus to the brain, multiplied by the level of diversity (of perspectives) and are driven backward by the level of fear.
    MU = _________

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