Lance Wallnau

Let The Nation Reveal Its Glory

What does God want you to do about your nation?

In Matthew 22:29, Jesus said: “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.”

Think about that. All error is an insufficient revelation of a truth you need to know or an anointing you are not tapping into.

How do we err? There seems to be some confusion about the difference between zeal for the kingdom and patriotism for one’s country. I see the two connected, because when we bring the kingdom into our territory, we liberate the nation to express its unique glory. Nations, not just individuals, have a “glory” to reveal. This is a word you never hear, which is why I first began to catalyze and popularize the message of the 7 Mountains. 

I am amazed at how Christians still miss this call to disciple their own nation, especially here in the United States. I see a disconnect here in two ways:

1. Many put their energy into seeking deeper personal supernatural experiences and presence. This revival focus is perfect for awakening the believer and perhaps evangelizing a soul, but this strategy all by itself is inadequate until people with “the wisdom of the just” invade the thought systems that shape nations. You cannot “supernatural” a nation into reformation. Think about it. Getting born again or getting filled with the Spirit is the most powerful supernatural installment you can ever get—yet if you are 200 pounds overweight, you don’t lose it when you get saved. You may, however, drop the weight afterward because you change the way you eat. Likewise, you cannot “supernatural” the nation into change. It has to change its collective diet and stop feeding on deception and lies.

Transformation comes by a process. “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:2) This does not discount the supernatural, for it is the transformation by the Spirit that tears down the old thought structures and advances new ones. We need supernatural people to invade our economic, social service, government, education, family, media and church systems and bring the power and mind of Christ into warm, living contact with the dead corpse of humanistic unbelief.

None of our current conferences and gatherings can compare to the reviving we will experience when we actually grab our first cluster of grapes after invading the land. Want to taste the next level? Cross over.

2. We err by making this an “us against them” political battle. This shows a lack of understanding that the kingdom does not come by simply voting a Christian into a public office. Wilberforce ended slavery by changing the public mind through a long process of public persuasion. This involves the progressive occupation of ground in both spiritual warfare and practical wisdom. We need not only individuals but networks in these places. At a minimum, you need two or more in agreement to form a place where the Lord will take governmental residence. 

Patriotism is not a subject set in competition with the kingdom. There is a glory in every nation that is hidden under a veil of darkness. Where does this darkness come from? It comes from high places! What high places? The places of public influence: religion and spirituality, media, arts, business, education and government mountains. We fail to disciple nations largely because believers don’t occupy the centers of influence; they prefer to camp on the periphery and simply enjoy God. This subject inevitably brings up various uncomfortable reactions. I challenge you to think about why that might be. 

Finally, where do you see nations in the new earth? Look at the last chapter of Revelation and behold how nations walk in the light of the glorious city of God. They don’t cease…they go on forever. Nations, diversity, different glories, God loves it. This is what God promised Abraham and Sarah. Nations are the inheritance of Jesus. That's why He told us to go, teach, and occupy them till he comes. Every nation should be discipled in order to liberate the glory that is in that nation, and every believer within a nation should see themselves as the heaven sent liberators of the true glory of their country.

A significant piece of my calling is to bring the Gospel to the nations through the 7 Mountain message. I have been continually humbled by your faithful support and partnership through each season of ministry. You have shown up over and over to support and encourage me and my team in this vision. Will you once again help us disciple nations and build the kingdom of God? Join with us as we equip believers to step into places of authority and govern well, influencing their god-given spheres to advance the kingdom of God. If you are led to partner with us in this mission, you can do so by going to: 

In order to fulfill this call we have to think like a new breed of 21st century apostolic church pioneers who work with the local church on one hand, yet establish small bands of praying believers in homes and offices in spheres of influence. This is called a micro church! We go into “all the world” by now going into all the systems and demolish the devil's kingdom from the inside out. It’s like Neo going into Agent Smith in the Matrix, or better yet, Jesus, who came into our earth system and then descended into the system of hell, to plunder and take captive.

With Jesus as our example, let’s disciple the nations! 

1 thought on “Let The Nation Reveal Its Glory”

  1. Wonderful Revelation Man of God🙏🏿
    I have always found your teaching very inspiring and educative
    I have worked as an advocate against marginalization during the liberation era of my nation South Sudan and became a public policy maker after independence July 2011. And all the time kept the Bible visible reference to any and all circumstances and situation, even public soeeches gained wisdom from the scripture.

    However, this teaching on the Glory of the Nation is very sScripture. And quite enlightening

    Thank you much

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