Lance Wallnau

Lance Rant!


To be honest, if you support the slaughter of 1,000,000 innocent lives up to 9 months of age you can spare me the histrionics and moral outrage over the senseless slaughter of the same human beings a couple of years later in a tragic school shooting. Stop talking. Please. You are no child advocate.
Shocking that everyone cannot see the obvious moral hypocrisy. Seems almost logical that as God moves in courts to reduce abortion Satan manifests by attacking innocent children.
If you want to stop these school and mall tragedies stop destroying the institution of heterosexual marriage and start honoring Fathers. Every shooting since Columbine is the story of rebellious teens, absentee Dads, violent video games, pornography, isolation from community and absence of God in school and family. The key to stopping violent young men is to make them healthy young men and that is best done in families with fathers. It is best done in faith communities. That’s right, God is a big factor in shaping values. This is a statistical fact, Jack.
In prison, the thing that transforms violent criminals into functional humans is one word – empathy. Empathy is the ability to imagine someone else’s pain. You learn about empathy in families. You’re forced to realize other people feel pain just like you. “Do unto others as you would have them…”
But the left is at war with families and the unborn. They are at war with heterosexual marriage and would rather push LGBTQ as a model. They are against sexual boundaries and insist on grooming your children in public education. They will get those children they are screaming over today to question their gender and their sexual preferences tomorrow.
As they do this they fulfill the Bible prediction that the last days will be filled with people who are “without self control” and “fierce” and “despisers of those that are good.”
But don’t let that bother you. The Bible also promises power to be a witness and a proof producer. The modern left is bankrupt of good ideas. Now is the best time in 30 years to speak up and plunder hell.
Don’t expect the situation to get easier, rather, expect that you are going to get better at standing up, speaking up and winning many to the “wisdom of the just.”
It's harvest time.

3 thoughts on “Lance Rant!”

  1. Well Said!
    Point to consider: There are many things regarding the Texas shooting that do not line up (How did a young man afford $5,000 weapons, why did he drive a $70,000 vehicle when he came from a poor family, why were parents arrested when trying to stop the shooting, why did police not respond faster etc)
    There was an underlying statement being made in the shooting aside from a potential ‘gun grab’. It was also a Cartel style warning to many on the left that are now deserting Liberal/Democrat beliefs and are now running fast towards more conservative right wing views.
    There was a real reason police did not stop the shooting faster or let parents help their children. There was a reason Obama made such an innapropriate statement regarding the shooting.
    Essentially what was said was: ‘Don’t forget who is in control here, and if you choose to change sides,(from Liberal to Conservative) there will be dire consequences, lives will be lost.’ Don’t believe me? Find out what the word is on the street… This comment is accurate, and the Leftist agenda is infinitely more evil than most people can fathom. Worse still, Democrats and RINO’s are now aligning for inappropriate ‘gun laws’ when American citizens need their guns the most. Watch what happens next, everyone will see clearly that many people they thought were fighting for them on the “Right”, are just as culpable for mess this Nation is in as those on the Left. ANYONE supporting ANY new gun laws, ANY AT ALL are literally showing their hand, no matter how they try and spin it. Everyone’s discernment level is getting ready to get really refined. God have mercy on us.
    Thanks for all you do Pastor Lance and Mercedes.

  2. Lance is so good at clearly articulating the essence of the problem, stripping away all the intentional shrouding and providing simple and easy to understand solutions to the “complex” issues we face today.

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