Lance Wallnau

Dismantling Strongholds In Your Thought Life: Part 2

3 Characteristics and Strategies for Overcoming Strongholds
We’ve been talking about strongholds and God’s plan for victory in your life.  I’ve been getting a lot of positive feedback from people on this subject. You can read Part 1 of this series here.

Here are a few points to consider as we dig deeper into this fascinating subject: 

  1. How does the enemy gain access to your thoughts? What does the word devil mean?  It comes from the Latin root diabolos, which means to thrust through, like a rock. It’s like the enemy is doing a David and Goliath on you.  He’s hitting and hammering you with thought patterns, circumstances, and emotions that create a framework of bondage and confusion within your brain and heart.  The devil intends to break through the barrier of your will, your mind, and your emotions in order to penetrate your personality.  These bents and inclinations toward fear, mistrust, abandonment, depression, and even suicide can be generational. Some of your battles didn’t start with you. We will explore this subject more in the next blog post.
  2. What can you do to combat this attack?  Take every thought captive at the point of a spear (2 Corinthians 10:5). Interrogate your thought life to see whether it lines up with what the Spirit of God says.  How do you know if a thought is coming from God or the devil?  How do you know if it’s a stronghold?  If it’s not peace, if it’s not energizing, if it’s not love—it’s not from the Lord.
  3. Are you making God your stronghold? David said he wanted to make the Lord his stronghold and his high tower (Psalm 61:3). You see, a stronghold can work both ways. To build a godly stronghold you must tear down what you have built that militates against God’s Word. This is the warfare involved with renewing the mind—but it pays off in a new mind garrisoned with God’s way of thinking. Getting clear on who He is for you is one of the most important steps to freedom.  I want to encourage you to begin the process of renewing your mind, by recognizing that in many cases, the méthodos or the roadway that the enemy planted in your life came before you knew what he was up to.  

Test and discern your life according to the Holy Spirit to begin to shut down those ramps and build up new highways that lead to victory, anointing, and deliverance.
Question: What negative patterns is God revealing to you as you read this post?  What are some strategies you can employ to renew your mind daily?  Comment below to share about it!
As One!
Take every thought captive at the point of a spear 2 Corinthians 10_5.

43 thoughts on “Dismantling Strongholds In Your Thought Life: Part 2”

  1. Lance thank you, understanding the meaning and methodology how it work is a good point it help a lot.

  2. Well basically He revealed the importance of rendering my mind. Something that my mentor and brother in Christ has been telling me for a while.. Oh Jesus I need you! Renew my mind Holy Spirit in Jesus’s so important to renew the mind and also it was confirmation about the diabolos. I’ve preached that before in a small group a while back and also received that revelation from my mentor Elder Peter..thank you Jesus!!

  3. Negative self talk! I talk to myself all the time, without much will involved. It’s starts the moment I wake up. I tend to discipline myself in this area by preaching to myself the truths of God’s word. But on the days when my guard is down, complaining, defeat, and negativity come out. Its very obvious when I’m in a bad pattern, or I’ve set my mind to the opposite of what is lovely, pure, of good report.
    I literally have to shake myself and say, “stop this!”

  4. Nice article. I love the reminder that we can take ‘every’ thought captive….
    And yes, God has only this one constant reminder for me – actually it is the Holy Spirit’s constant reminder to me – that, I am to dwell in Romans 8:1 at all times ……..and as I walk in this conviction of No Condemnation – that I am the Righteousness of God in Christ no matter how many times I fall or fail, – I grow each day to love my Savior even more and to receive His grace (His unmerited, undeserved and unearned favor) freely.
    Further, I personally believe there are no methods by which we can renew our mind except by receiving the Truth of who we are and in Whom we are! It is a lack of this revelation that has brought this world to the state of chaos and confusion it is in at present. Many so-called Christians too are a part of this chaos and confusion!
    I am a simple thinker when it comes to living in this world – for me everything physical, emotional and financial has its roots in Christ…….I may not have a couple of BMWs or penthouses or bungalows to my name, or even a Bible College to my name or even a business to my name but I sure know that I am greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved – thereby I live at peace with myself and as much as possible with others, if they desire it, else here I adopt my one and only strategy – I back off….
    The world unfortunately has too many strategists / strategies – many having climaxed into major religions – therefore, I still believe that it is the foolishness of preaching the Gospel alone that can ease the misery around us. Our job is ‘not’ to convince or convict people about Jesus (that is the job of the Holy Spirit) but it is to only preach His Name – for He is Grace and Truth – and of the Father’s Unconditional Love in and through His Son. Everything in this world is made easier when we have the hope of the ‘catching away’ / the rapture and/or the resurrection. We can look up and be joyful alone on that one hope!

  5. Thank you Lance for this teaching. Wish i could just hang out with you a few days or weeks. it would change the direction of my life i believe

  6. My experiences …the presence of one of my sisters is always near why? I don’t even visit her when I found out she lives in witchcraft and it’s as if I can hear her at times and I Am s born again Christian and has a relationship with my Savior. My very sleep in being disturbed by nasty sexual spirited at times I will sit up and sleep; I truly believe my sisters is practicing witchcraft on me; this has been going on for years, I’ve gotten on prayer lines, when I talked to, I thought close friends about it they usually act like they are afraid to respond to it, I wonder why if most of them are supposed to be saved.
    And, if I don’t watch myself, at times thoughts of getting a gun a literally killing my sister comes to my mind. I didn’t know that I was raised in a house with now professional witches until some one let me borrow their book in 2008; it becomes frustrated; I believed my sisters are spiritually connected and bonded by demonic forces that enables them to have demonic spiritual powers through levels of demons who they have worshipped and allow to have access to them overall and they were introduced to this by my mother according to my memories which I was totally adblivious to. 2006 I was studying for bible school in my room where I rented an apartment alone and I saw both my sisters connected to each other in the opening of my closet in an translucent form, one was wearing long orange gown, the other an long pink gown; when I thought of rushing towards the closet, they were gone; and I’m not crazy. My question is WHAT WOULD YOU DO. People/preacher don’t want to deal or talk about witchcraft. I was brought up under an “it’s holiness or hell”Pastor, the late Apostle Johnny Washington .

  7. My mother is overcome by fear daily. I care for her, I’m 70, she’s 92. Recently I have become discouraged and overwhelmed. I was overcoming defeat, laziness, and was able to have the joy of the Lord. Whenever a major challenge like now trying to clean organize and sell mom’s home I get sick with a bad cold and then congested, and feel defeated. I will tend to get totally off schedule.

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