Lance Wallnau

Nobody cares if you can't dance well

307348_10151427685744936_292455385_nNobody cares if you can't dance well. Dancers create their technique out their love of dancing. King David didn't attend Martha Graham's studio. How did he take territory supernaturally? He knew how to dance before the Lord. May sound nutty- but how many of you could build a dynasty the Messiah would want to come from?
This cool pix from 1945 was take by photographer Gjon Mili, who put lights on the skates of a figure skater on a dark stage. There's a patter to art and dance and motion and all that is in the universe. David found the pattern that got access to Gods heart- song, dance, meditation, presence, go ahead- have a ball! That's doing business supernaturally… It works for me : )