Lance Wallnau

The spiritual capacity to solve a demonic problem

559198_10151095010454936_18241492_nThe enemy had paralyzed a nation because its leadership lacked the spiritual capacity to solve a demonic problem. David, a youth, was summoned to the task of dealing with the taunting giant- Goliath. At stake was the slavery of a nation – and the next generation with it. The next generation arose. The small confronted the big and executed the judgment of God – much to the utter shock of Israel’s enemies. After decapitating the Philistine, David carried the head around.—- There are some victories that mess with your enemies head! (1 Sam 17:55-57)
David spoke in Psalms about “utterly consuming” his enemies. Goliath was not just a physical entity – he was a manifestation of a strongman. What kind of big enemy do you need to utterly destroy? What spirit, connected to what act needs to be cut off? What is the Nations Goliath?