Lance Wallnau

Lance's "keepin' it real" Supernatural Product Recall

999101_10151808964789936_338020614_nLance's “keepin' it real” Supernatural Product Recall
Hey! Many of you might have seen the post I did last week about the mystery angel article in USA TODAY. My friend, a writer named James George has pointed out that the angel has been identified as Father Patrick Dowling, who happened to be at the unusual location for the accident at the right time and was praying for the situation.
The fact that he was not an angel requires that note of clarification, however the reason why he was even an issue was because the 19 year old Christian, Katie Lentz, trapped in the vehicle was loosing her grip on life and needed a miraculous escape. The tools being used were all breaking and she called out for someone to “pray out loud” with her. That's when Rev. Dowling stepped up, prayed and things changed. Someone got an idea on how to adjust the car, a new power tool showed up, and Katie was delivered. (See
This is an important moment in a couple of regards.
First, our faith in anything is based on the testimony of Scripture and not people. You base your belief regarding angels and their activity on the Word.
Secondly, the activity of angels is very much involved with our life and it is almost always invisible. I think Katie had something supernatural going on when the priest prayed with her.
And thirdly, for those skeptics who say “see, I told ya so…”
Jesus said to Thomas: “Because you have seen Me, have you believed? BLESSED ARE THEY WHO DO NOT SEE, and yet believed.” John 20:29