Lance Wallnau

God wants you to bear MUCH FRUIT

God wants you to bear MUCH FRUIT so that your heavenly Father may be glorified -NOW!
(John 15:8) It is not some celebrity preacher who gets this promise only. This concept puts an end to the idea that God is perpetually trying to teach you something and thus delaying your harvest till you are ready. MUCH FRUIT is much SUCCESS -NOW! Much HARVEST and much INCREASE in scope and quality of answered prayer is today's promise.
Write your vision out for what you want to do for God, then double it! Do so because the first goal was achievable but the second will require God to make it happen. Thats a John 15:8 measure for the size prayer God wants to answer this year… day by day and hour by hour with “much fruit!”
What are your thoughts? What would your “much fruit” look like in your situation?