Lance Wallnau

Transition, Trouble and Divine Timing

Supernatural TransportationTRANSITION – TROUBLE and DIVINE TIMING are all tied together in one often missed miracle. There are at least 2 references in the Bible to supernatural translation, one involving Phillip in Acts 8:40 and one right here involving not only Jesus but a boat and 12 people!
The story has unique details recorded in John 6 and Matthew 14 where Jesus sent the crowd away and told His disciples to take the boat and “go to the other side.”
The 12 attempted to do what he said but got STUCK IN TRANSITION, half way to the other side. They rowed and rowed but the “sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew” them to a near standstill in the middle of the lake.

This suggests that sometimes when God sends you thru TRANSITION “from here to there,” it is possible to hit circumstances and “contrary winds” hindering your path. You may feel like things are off schedule and you may even be getting tired trying to row against the contradiction. Don't quit because it's going to get real interesting real fast.
Something sinister seemed to be approaching on the water. If you were close enough you would hear the mighty deliverance team of 12 Apostles “cry out in fear,” saying “it's a ghost!” But it wasn't a ghost, it was the Lord of Hosts.
Your delayed transition is going to position you for a manifestation of Jesus in a way you have NEVER SEEN BEFORE!
Jesus spoke, “It is I, be not afraid.” Now, Jn 6:21 states: “Then they willingly received him into the ship and get this —-the Bible says “IMMEDIATELY THE SHIP WAS AT THE LAND whither they went.” You want to circle the word “immediately.” This is called time travel and most people miss this miracle. A boat and 13 men got translated 4 miles in a nano second.
When you have been delayed by contrary circumstances but faithful in doing what God called you to do, you frequently have the privilege of meeting Jesus in an expression you have never seen before. When He is invited to come on board your ship God compensates for the delay by supernaturally getting you back on schedule. He RESTORES THE YEARS!
Keep rowing to the other side. Row in the face of the financial problem. row in the face of the marriage challenge, row against those contrary winds in your ministry or education, because if you are not getting closer to the breakthrough, Jesus must be getting closer to YOUR BOAT!
Just keep looking for Him in the contradiction and look at scripture's like this and say, “He told them to go to the other side; He told me also….I am only doing what He told me to do.”
Tell me what happen's when the breakthrough arrives!

3 thoughts on “Transition, Trouble and Divine Timing”

  1. I was just asking the Lord, I need something to keep going…voila! I’ve been rowing for so long it seems that I have Popeye arms! Yet, I will not give up, what would I give up to? He is my treasure and my portion. I’ve also been asking the Lord to redeem the time. When I see Jesus, I WILL invite Him into my boat!

  2. About three months ago after prayer the Holy Spirit had me write up a recompense list, he brought up things from soooooo long ago I had forgotten them, and he told me to look over it every day, because these ars the things he is restoring back to me. ..Ha Ha!!

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