Lance Wallnau


11150693_10153246652649936_3208267800608400475_nProphecy for April… YOUR BATTLE IS ABOUT TO CHANGE!
Sometimes your success is not due to avoiding enemies but MEETING THEM HEAD ON and overcoming them. The promise given to David was to “rule thou IN THE MIDST of thine enemies.”
I have a prophetic word for you: “One by one those strongholds in your life are coming down under the authority of Christ!”
This is a post I encourage you to both like and share with others. I sense it's needed right now by friends nearing a breakthrough.
Before we occupy in the physical we overcome in the spiritual. Where is the real battle? The carnal mind is an enemy of God! Romans 8:7 says…”the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.”
The first battle is to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. If we can bring down the carnal mind we can win!
A “stronghold” is simply a pattern (perhaps generational) that has a STRONG hold on your mind. The Lord says “strongholds are about to come down.” We can access the mind of Christ!
Humility enables you to admit your weakness. But then as you bow low God's empowering grace fills the low place with power. This isn't a battle of will power, but YIELD POWER! Use weakness to your advantage. God's strength is made perfect in weakness. “HE GIVETH MORE GRACE. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but GIVETH GRACE unto the HUMBLE” (James 4:6).
The timing is NOW, right after PASSOVER, the BLOOD is calling you to draw near to God. NEAR to the throne of GRACE. Take time now in His Word. God wants to give you a fresh Word for war. Read till you find the scripture that applies to your battle. It will jump out! Once found – MEDITATE on these Words. Get still. Experience the strength that comes from His PRESENCE rising up in the midst of you.
Watch as your will is empowered by His will to rule in the midst of those other thoughts.
THEN your outward circumstance will submit to you.
Encourage one another below. What has God taught you about the mind?
– Lance

6 thoughts on “Prophecy for April… YOUR BATTLE IS ABOUT TO CHANGE!”

  1. One thing I am learning about the mind is that when we entertain negatives, we close a door to what God is trying to do for us. As an example, in this post are several prophetic words. If we view them skeptically, we may never see them happen. We should embrace this, and look forward to the outcome like a child looks forward to Christmas morning. He will not disappoint!

  2. One thing God’s been showing me is how in the weak places of mental strongholds, He’s still greater. There are sometimes areas that I don’t want to touch because I feel like I wouldn’t be able to stop the negative thought patterns, and I feel out of control. But He allows those things to come up, and He shows me how He not only gives grace, but is able to silence those things with His truth. His love is so freeing!

  3. Pingback: Prophecy for April . . . YOUR BATTLE IS ABOUT TO CHANGE, by Dr. Lance Wallnau, (with MY REVELATION following) | Trees of Righteousness Ministries

  4. The mind is the controlling, connecting gate between the soul, intellect, emotions and spirit.

  5. The mind is the entrance point to the city to be glorified. If defeated at the gates, the city lays dorment & ineffective, or worse still conquered and overtaken.
    This is where the Centurians helmet is important to wear for protection and then inscribed are the victories.

  6. “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove that which is good and acceptable and the perfect will of God.” As we yield to the power and will of God He will renew our stinkin’ thinkin’ until we are in a place where we are free to live as our persona…acting out the righteousness he has already given us freely through Christ. God also keeps reminding me that even though I can access the mind of Christ, that alone I do not have His mind…it is only together in unity with His body – my brothers and sister – that I can have the mind of Christ.

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