Lance Wallnau

How To Get Unstuck

Unstuck“There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. So keep in mind that in the end the choice you make, makes you!”

Even the choice to be stuck is a choice none the less. Just because the situation on the outside isn't moving doesn't mean you can't be going somewhere on the inside.

In a stuck situation you always have the choice to:

1.) Try a different approach! I have a friend in a bad marriage. It's bad for him and his children as well as his wife. She refused to work with him to fix it. After 4 years of abuse I pleaded with him to try ANYTHING different. Specifically, act happy for a while and tell her it's over just to see what happens. He did – and she changed. Who knows why? What matter's is – it worked. The moment he started acting happy and wanting to separate she was unhappy and wanted to stay together. Now they are working on being happy at the same time- but it's progress. When what you are doing isn't working – try ANYTHING else.


2.) Embrace the unchangeable situation and change your perspective. Paul didn't call himself a prisoner of Rome, but rather “the prisoner of the Lord Jesus Christ.” He didn't call his scar's “the mark of Roman and Jewish barbarism” he called them “the mark's of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Joseph's abduction to Egypt wasn't such a terrible thing once he saw that God was in the whole plot to get him to Egypt.

So ask God what HE is doing in the seemingly delayed answer to prayer or unresolved problem – you might be surprised at what you discover. He may be working on your kids, or spouse or something else and when it comes together the timing will be perfect. How many properties or purchases have I seen that looked like they were held up only to be massively better once God's timing released it!

The point? Every choice effects you. Make a decision to alter your condition on the inside till the situation on the outside shifts. 90% of the time, the change in you has a mysterious effect on changing the dynamic of the situation. In everything give thanks….because this aligns you more perfectly with God over your situation. Start by thinking of way's this problem is a good thing! Seriously. What is GREAT about it!?

Doing this will put the helmet of HOPE back on your head and the anointing oil will start to cover you and make you so slippery the enemy will lose his grip and you will get unstuck.

6 thoughts on “How To Get Unstuck”

  1. Very exciting material – I am very excited about learning how to apply Lance’s teaching and the Word of God to discover God’s everyday and life long calling for my life, work, family, friends, recreation, etc.

  2. Lance, your insight is truly ordained.
    In my case,the challenge is giving thanks for the unmet need in advance of receiving it when every emotion strenuously resists. My battleground is in the mind & heart. Praising HIM solves the hurt in the moment (where we exist). So how does one solve “mine unbelief” over the longer term? I truly am thankful for the hope your Godly counsel provides.

  3. My sister forwarded this to me, exactly what I needed. So encouraging, helpful, thought provoking. Would like to read more.

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