Lance Wallnau

Feel It – See It – Drive It Into Your Subconscious!

10827961_10153041322124936_8535996190382694585_oFeel It – See It – Drive It Into Your Subconscious!
Lately I have been looking closer at the strangest of secrets, namely that people produce in their circumstances the material equivalent of what they most deeply feel, think and believe in their inner man.
Think about it. Circumstances are like the ever changing kaleidoscope that mirrors back the dominant thought structures and imaginings we nurture in our heart. We attract or repel the people, ideas and circumsances that most deeply correspond to our hearts emotional condition. If you don't like the world you are atracting you can create another one! Start by noticing who has your ear.
The Bible says that Davids troubled son Absolom, “sat at the gate and conversed with anyone who was discontent saying ‘if only I were king I would do this differently.' ” Gradually he “stole the hearts of Israel” and led a rebellion against his own father. Scary to think about how much of politics, church and the office is driven by the spirit of Absolom. Don't make friends with the discontented because their discontent will rob you of your own stability. The same goes for an angry man or colleagues driven by a lust for money.
Solomon the wise gave a formula for those seeking wisdom. He heard the Holy Spirit whisper to him these words:
“Keep my commandments and live, And my teaching as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; WRITE THEM on the tablet of YOUR HEART. (Proverbs 7:2-3)
Amazing – you can write things on the tablet of your heart. Out of your heart are the issues of life! Here is a winning formula for life – KEEP front and center the Word of God and commune with the thoughts God is speaking. This creates a sanctified chamber of imagery into which you can safely place the PURPOSES, PLANS AND PURSUITS that rise out of your heart. Wealth is no longer a lust or longing or distraction, it is simply a byproduct of the desire created by the PRIMARY PASSION of your communion with God.
When you fill your heart with Gods Words you energize your spirit to entertain Gods thoughts. Out of those thoughts your desire will be formed and created. If you guard that deep inner communion with God you can then trust what is being conceived. You can feel intensely about any goal or image or idea that has been cultivated out from that impregnating conversation. If the same desire and image keeps coming up it is likely that God is the one birthing it! GO FOR IT! Let its hold on you grow, increase and enlarge.
Ambition formed in this union is permission formed by communion.
Make sense?

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