Lance Wallnau

Facebook Ad Boycott

I thank God for Facebook. They are being pressured by activists who have pressured Corporations to sign off or be targeted. That's all I can figure as to why these big corporations are signing off on this. These people intend to shut your voice down. These Corporations do not fear any fallout from shareholders or consumers. To be honest, if the other side continues to be more united than we are, and we shrink back in fear, we will lose, not for lack of strength but lack of courage.
BE BOLD. BE STRONG. For the Lord thy God is with you.
Source: The Facebook Ad Boycott Is About Silencing Conservatives, Not Stopping ‘Hate’ | Issues & Insights

3 thoughts on “Facebook Ad Boycott”

  1. Keep on broadcasting your message. It is time to step up and take back the mountains. I have unsubscribed from YouTube premium. In two dreams I was being tracked and hunted down through my phone. I believe youtube is tracking conservatives. I only watch YouTube through a normal browser with secure line vpn software running. It is also possible to set some false trails and to turn off secure line and browse msnbc, cbs, abc, cnn etc.

  2. Facebook should put up ads of their own, asking why, an 8 year old little girl was murdered yesterday during riots in Atlanta.
    Then Facebook (with all their supposed influence) should put up another ad explaining why in Chicago over the 2020 July 4th weekend, 13 people were murdered with at least 3 of them being under the age of 12.
    Somebody within Social media “giant-hood” ought to stand up (for once) and be counted about the human atrocities that are occurring RIGHT NOW in this nation, done by mindless perpetrators who have zero conscience and empty headed riotous hate for all humankind and American legacy.
    Let these social media giant ne’er do wells, who live off the backs of humanity, give something back to humanity by exhibiting that ‘even they’ have a conscience themselves?
    Yet don’t bother to hold your breath on that kind of active response.

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