Lance Wallnau


Find out what is happening behind the scene and pray the prophetic prayers that make a difference.
Why are rulers raging right now? Why is the moment urgent? Franklin Graham called for prayer and we have over 2000 that locked shields together in a “live” prayer call. We need you in this battle. Join in!


  1. Barbara E Bolt

    May God’s will be done & His Kingdom come!
    Do not be anxious; Our Heavenly Father is in control!

  2. Thank you Man for GOD!
    This is the very first time I watched you, as you prayed for our President Mr. Wallnau.
    Amazing power you exhibit in HIS word, Amazing!
    I am part of a small church here in Wenatchee Washington, and we are praying as a whole church for President Trump, for 24 hours continually on the 1 3th and 14th. Your video I just watched moved me so much that I am going to present it to our pastor, Daniel Kellogg, because I truly believe your words were so prophetic that from them we shall guide our congregation on a more true path!
    Thank You Lance, GOD BLESS

  3. If ever there was a time that Christians need to pray for our country and our president it is now. Never before have I seen a man hated so much by so many for no seemingly reasonable reason other than he won the Presidency when they didn’t expect him to! It is so unreasonable that it is scary! And over the past 2 1/2 years the anger and bitterness has creeped into every aspect of our lives it seems and I don’t recognize America anymore. I mostly blame the biased liberal media. The Left and the ideas their candidates for president are promoting are so crazy that I can’t believe anyone I know would vote for them, but if they run on a Democratic ticket, no matter what their platform, they will! Yes, even some who call themselves Christians! May God have mercy on us and forgive us, as His representatives, that we don’t stand for His Truth and those rights that are ours, with as much vigor and enthusiasm as the Left shout theirs! I pray for the Holy Spirit to give peace, strength, and victory, to our President and his family, and courage to all of his suppporters. God is still in control of the seats of governments. He puts men up and takes them down. As we have just done, our job is to pray! Thank you for the wonderful work you are doing!

  4. Thank you Lance! You are an inspiration to us prayer warriors around the world! Seeing you prayerfully back whats going on in the country brings incredible joy brother. Your prayer is powerful! We all must pray for the President, for America, and for the Body of Christ daily! This post is so inspiring. Thank You Lance for all you are doing and may God continue to protect you and bless you richly!

  5. I can’t seem to see your prayer request form for your ministry, so I am leaving this here. It is late and my eyes won’t focus.
    Pastor’s Roberts’ Liardon’s mom Carol had heart valve replacement surgery earlier today. The surgery went well, but the heart has not begun to beat at more than about 10%. They went in to put a pump in place through the groin area, and then just recently asked to put in a larger one to facilitate the heart. It is a life and death situation for the night. We don’t know how long. Please pray for no damage to the left side of her heart and no organ failure. We receive life for her. Thank you.

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